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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Columns in the ATOMPAR file Output files
Keyword | Meaning |
ALPHa | Use this Keyword to define the alpha parameter for a specific atom and atomtype.
The keyword should be followed by a line/lines composed of the element number,
the atomtype and the value for alpha.This Keyword should be ended by a END statement
in the last line. The example below means that uran type 1 will have the value 0.1 .
The alpha parameter will be used in the exponent for the repulsion.
ALPHa 92 1 0.1 END |
KAPPa | Use this Keyword to define the kappa parameter for a specific atom and atomtype.
The keyword should be followed by a line/lines composed of the element number,
the atomtype and the value for kappa.This Keyword should be ended by a END statement
in the last line. The example below means that uran type 1 will have the value 10.0 .
The kappa parameter will be used as a prefactor to the exponent expression for the repulsion.
KAPPa 92 1 10.0 END |
ALCT | This keyword is for the charge transfer term that can be used if one specifies that in the NEMO keyword.
The energy term is exactly the same expression as the repulsion, but with a minus sign instead.
Use this Keyword to define the charge transfer alpha parameter for a specific atom and atomtype.
The keyword should be followed by a line/lines composed of the element number,
the atomtype and the value for charge transfer alpha.This Keyword should be ended by a END statement
in the last line. The example below means that uran type 1 will have the value 0.1 .
The charge transfer alpha parameter will be used in the exponent for the repulsion.
ALCT 92 1 0.1 END |
KACT | This keyword is for the charge transfer term that can be used if one specifies that in the NEMO keyword.
The energy term is exactly the same expression as the repulsion, but with a minus sign instead.
Use this Keyword to define the charge transfer kappa parameter for a specific atom and atomtype.
The keyword should be followed by a line/lines composed of the element number,
the atomtype and the value for charge transfer kappa. This Keyword should be ended by a END statement
in the last line. The example below means that uran type 1 will have the value 10.0 .
The charge transfer kappa parameter will be used as a prefactor to the exponent expression for the repulsion.
KACT 92 1 10.0 END |
REPFactor | If a repulsion of type sqrt(Factor1*Factor2)r-̂n is to be used. Check the NEMO keyword for information. This keyword is specified in the same way as kappa. |
DISPfactor | Two factors are multiplied with the dispersion energy. They work in the same way as the REPFactor does and are specified in the same way. |
VALEnce | Set the number of valence electrons. The keyword should be followed by a line/lines composed of the element number,
the atomtype and the value for kappa.This Keyword should be ended by a END statement
in the last line. The example below means that oxygen type 2 will have 6 valence electrons.
VALEnce 8 2 6.0 END |
NOISotropicPolarizabilities | The default is to use isotropic polarizabilities for the induction energy. This is due to the fact that we use Thole damping as default, which require isotropic polarizabilities. |
NOMOve | The default interactions sites are not placed in the atoms. If this keyword is used the interactions sites are not moved to a new location. |
NOQUadrupoleDelete | The default is to replace the quadrupoles with local dipoles to get the correct total quadrupole. If this keyword is used, the quadrupoles will be truncated at the dipole level. |
NODAmping | As default the Thole damping is used, but using this heyword that is overruled. |
REPLace | Use this keyword to specify that some atomic quadrupoles should be replaced by charges. |
MOLD | The new local atomic dipole will be used when calculating the new interaction center. The default is to use the original local atomic dipole. |
NOLM | The new local atomic quadrupole will be used when estamating the size of the atom. This is used when calculating the repulsion and dispersive energy. The default is to use the original local atomic quadrupole which is the correct way. |
RETY | REpTYpe: The keyword should be followed by a line, specifying the expression to use for the repulsion type. |
Keyword | Meaning |
NUAL | NO UPDATE ALPHA. This keyword should be followed by a line/lines specifying the element and type
of the atomic parameter that should not be updated during the fitting. The example says that the
oxygen type 2 atomic parameter should not be updated.
NUAL 8 2 END |
NUKA | NO UPDATE KAPPA. This keyword should be followed by a line/lines specifying the element and type
of the atomic parameter that should not be updated during the fitting. The example says that the
oxygen type 2 atomic parameter should not be updated.
NUKA 8 2 END |
NUAC | NO UPDATE CHARGE TRANSFER ALPHA. This keyword should be followed by a line/lines specifying the element and type
of the atomic parameter that should not be updated during the fitting. The example says that the
oxygen type 2 atomic parameter should not be updated.This only works for NEMO type 4. Check the NEMO keyword.
NUAC 8 2 END |
NUKC | NO UPDATE CHARGE TRANSFER KAPPA. This keyword should be followed by a line/lines specifying the element and type
of the atomic parameter that should not be updated during the fitting. The example says that the
oxygen type 2 atomic parameter should not be updated.This only works for NEMO type 4. Check the NEMO keyword.
NUKC 8 2 END |
NUSI | Not implemented. For future use. |
NUEP | Not implemented. For future use. |
NURE | NO UPDATE REPULSION FACTOR. This keyword should be followed by a line/lines specifying the element and type
of the atomic parameter that should not be updated during the fitting. The example says that the
oxygen type 2 atomic parameter should not be updated. This only works for NEMO type 1 and 3. Check the NEMO keyword.
NUKC 8 2 END |
NUDI | NO UPDATE DISPERSION FACTOR. This keyword should be followed by a line/lines specifying the element and type
of the atomic parameter that should not be updated during the fitting. The example says that the
oxygen type 2 atomic parameter should not be updated. This only works for NEMO type 2 and 3. Check the NEMO keyword.
NUKC 8 2 END |
GLOBal | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying the number of globalsteps. |
MACRo | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying the number of macrosteps. |
MICRo | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying the number of microsteps. |
TEMP | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying the temperature for the weighting procedure. See the keyword WEIG. |
SCFFit | By default the program tries to fit the second energy term in the NEMO file. Using this keyword the program uses the first energy term witch is a SCF type energy. |
CONVergence | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying the number for the convergence radii. |
RFACtor | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying the number for the scaling constant in the least square fit. |
WEIGht | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying the number of the weight type |
Keyword | Meaning |
MOLEcules | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying a molecule by name exactly as they are named in the nemo file. All other molecular based keywords will be given to this molecule. That until a new molecule name is given with this keyword. |
METHod | Specifies the method to be used for the file to be opened. The program will find another method if the specified method cannot be found in the MPPROP file. |
MACRosteps | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying the number of macrosteps. |
MICRosteps | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying the number of microsteps. |
STARt | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying two numbers. The first number is search radii for coordinates and the second number is the search radii for the angles. In the first macrostep. |
RFACtor | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying the number of the scaling factor for the search radii each macrostep. |
CONVergence | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying the number for the convergence radii. |
DISFac | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying a scaling constant for the dispersion energy. (Default 1.0) |
Keyword | Meaning |
MOLEcule | Specifies the start and the title of a new molecule. This means every keyword after this MOLEcule keyword will belong to the last specified MOLEcule. |
METHod | Specifies the method to be used for the file to be opened. The program will find another method if the specified method cannot be found in the MPPROP file. |
CLUSter | This keyword should be followed by a line that gives an integer number of witch cluster the lates molecule belongs to. Only the integer numbers 1 and 2 are valid for the PotSurf module. |
TROR | This keyword should be followed by a line that gives six numbers. The six numbers describes the translation in polar coordinates and the rotation in the three euler angles for the molecule given by the latest MOLEcule keyword. The sequence of the numbers are the following: R Theta Phi Alpha Beta Gamma (See Arfken for definitions) |
POTEntial | The keyword should be followed by one line specifying three numbers. The numbers gives the displacement vector in spherical poolar coordinates for the second cluster when calculating the potential energy. The numbers are given in the following order: R Theta Phi |
NPOInts | The keyword should be followed by one line specifying the number of points in the potential. |
TRANslation | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying up to five numbers. The first number specifies the type of potential coordinates. In order to visulize the potential curve one has to define a translation coordinate. The first column of the PotSurf file will consist of a coordinete specified by the iTrType parameter. The other parameters jTrType, kTrType ... are specified below. |
Keyword | Meaning |
MOLEcules | Specifies the start and the title of a new molecule. This means that every keyword after this MOLEcule keyword will belong to the last specified MOLEcule. |
METHod | Specifies the method to be used for the file to be opened. The program will find another method if the specified method cannot be found in the MPPROP file. |
MOLSim | Tells the program to generate Molsim parameters and input files. |
EQUAlatoms | This keyword should be followed by a line specifying two atom numbers that should treated as equal.
The atomic numbers are the numbers in sequence as they are found in the MPPROP file.
For example, a water molecule in gasphase has the two hydrogen atoms equal by symmetry.
They should thus be treated equally for the analysis in a simulation program. If the
MPPROP file has the atoms in the sequence O H H the example below makes the two hydrogen equal
EQUA 2 3 |
NUMBer | The keyword should by a line giving the number of latest molecule that will be used in the latter simulation. This information will be written in the MOLSIM file. |
DISFactor | The keyword should be followed by a line specifying a scaling constant for the dispersion energy. (Default 1.0) |