Posted by Willem Van den Heuvel on January 20, 2009 at 14:59:22:
In a previous message (/molcas/wwwboard/messages/670.html), the following CSF expansions were given:
uud = 1/sqrt(6) * ( 2|aab| - |aba| - |baa| )
udu = 1/sqrt(2) * ( |aba| - |baa| ),
where a and b represent alpha and beta spin. Both have spin S=1/2 and Ms=1/2. I have used the algorithm given by Shavitt in a Lecture Note on GUGA [1] and find, for Ms=1/2:
uud = 1/sqrt(6) * ( -2|aab| + |aba| + |baa| )
udu = 1/sqrt(2) * ( |aba| - |baa| ),
so with opposite sign for uud but equal sign for udu.
Which one is correct?
ref: [1] I. Shavitt, in 'The Unitary Group', ed. J. Hinze, Lecture Notes in Chemistry 22, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1981, p.55.
Best regards,
Willem Van den Heuvel